Death of a Partner

Death of a Partner Playlists

View video playlists related to specific topics, including both participants and grief professionals. Use the controls at the top-left to navigate videos within playlist.

Grief Stories features short videos, podcast interviews, and blog posts offering ideas for coping with grief. The tools and activities on this website are intended to be used as a resource for people who are grieving, those who are supporting grievers and healthcare professionals. The information provided is NOT meant to be a substitute for professional therapy.

All content, including our videos, is vetted by health care experts.

Death of a Partner - Related Videos

Shannon – Power of Presence

Shannon discusses how just showing up, being present is a powerful way of supporting to someone who has lost. Listen more – talk less.

Holly – Gifts in moments at the end of life

Lynda discusses how to deal with guilt.Holly talks about singing at the end of life

Holly – Befriending our mortality workshops

Holly explains how creating can be helpful with grief and how we don’t talk about death

Collective Grief

When the death of a person affects many members in a community, city, country, or across the world, people will experience collective grief.

These are some things that can help people through the experience of collective grief across a community.

Kara – “Dogs”

Kara discusses how pets help. Kara continues to grieve the death of her partner.

Doug M – “Planning for Death”

Doug talks about how planning for a funeral and life after his wife’s death was helpful. Doug continues to grieve the death of his first wife.

Mary S – Dogs

Mary talks about how special dogs are and how much they helped her grief

Andrea – Couples versus being single

Andrea talks about becoming single when her husband died

Karyn and Aidan – The what if game and guilt

Karyn and Aidan explain how they have dealt with guilt

Andrea – My Story

Andrea shares her story of losing her husband during a pandemic