Death of a Partner

Death of a Partner Playlists

View video playlists related to specific topics, including both participants and grief professionals. Use the controls at the top-left to navigate videos within playlist.

Grief Stories features short videos, podcast interviews, and blog posts offering ideas for coping with grief. The tools and activities on this website are intended to be used as a resource for people who are grieving, those who are supporting grievers and healthcare professionals. The information provided is NOT meant to be a substitute for professional therapy.

All content, including our videos, is vetted by health care experts.

Death of a Partner - Related Videos

Mary S – Grief is not the enemy

Mary talks about embracing grief is love

John – Being helpful to someone in grief

John shares his thoughts on how to help someone in grief

Kara – “Getting rid of stuff”

Kara talks about stuff, guilt and memories. Kara continues to grieve the death of her partner.

Mary S – My story

Mary discusses the end stages of her husband of 40 years gireiving him and grieving who she was when with him

Doug M – “Writing a Letter”

Doug explains how writing was very profound and helpful in processing his grief. Doug continues to grieve the death of his first wife.

Jean – Grief resources and self care

Jean talks about resources that help in processing grief and self care

Holly – The symbolic nature of death

Holly discusses doing art, the symbolic nature of urns and the denial of death

Doug M – “New Normal”

Doug tells about changes and how he has learned to embrace the new normal. Doug continues to grieve the death of his first wife.

Shannon – Guilt vs Shame

Shannon talks about guilt can be a part of the grieving process but shame has to do with “is there something wrong with me”

Mary S – Coping with multiple loss

Mary explains the challenges of dealing with the death of her partner and then her parents