Death of a Parent

Death of a Parent Playlists

View video playlists related to specific topics, including both participants and grief professionals. Use the controls at the top-left to navigate videos within playlist.

Grief Stories features short videos, podcast interviews, and blog posts offering ideas for coping with grief. The tools and activities on this website are intended to be used as a resource for people who are grieving, those who are supporting grievers and healthcare professionals. The information provided is NOT meant to be a substitute for professional therapy.

All content, including our videos, is vetted by health care experts.

Death of a Parent - Related Videos

Margaux – “My Grief Story”

Margaux outlines the story of losing her mother to breast cancer and the experience of grief at milestones in her life. Margaux continues to grieve the death of her mother from breast cancer.

Matt – Adoption and grief

Matt talks about how adoption and grief have similarities. Matt continues to grieve the death of his birth mother.

Bryan – Mom

Bryan gives his mother credit for how well she raised her two sons after her husband was murdered

Lisa – What I do with my music

Lisa discusses what she does with the songs she writes and how they work for her when she needs to tap into a safe space

Karyn and Aidan – Hospital and the COVID restrictions

Karyn and Aidan talk about the challenges of the restrictions and the impact of COVID patients on John’s care

Mary S – Coping with multiple loss

Mary explains the challenges of dealing with the death of her partner and then her parents

Kim – Self care

Kim talks about looking after yourself and how much it helps. In particular be kind to yourself

Caileigh – Recommendations as a therapist and a griever

Caileigh discussed two recommendations for parents on how to support their child’s grief. as a therapist and a griever. The first is to recognize that being with is far more important than fixing. There’s two pieces to connection. The first being that one of the most important healing aspects to grief is feeling connected to others.

Matt – Crying

Matt talks about men and crying. Matt continues to grieve the death of his birth mother.

Amber – Grieving at the age of 17

Amber disucss what it’s like to be a teen when a parent dies