
Jane – What processing grief during the pandemic may look like

Jane talks about how the pandemic has postponed a lot of “firsts” without her grandparents that have impacted her experience of moving through grief.

Russell – “Relationship”

Russell discusses how loss affects relationships. Russell continues to grieve the perinatal death of his son.

Sara – Music and grief

Sara discusses how music can connect and help by acknowledging grief and bringing comfort

Rev. Sky – “It gets easier”

Rev. Sky talks about time and allowing emotion.

Mary – What I would say to my younger self

Mary talks about what she has learned about grief

Susan – “Diagnosis”

Susan discusses her diagnosis and her process of dealing with it.

Lyss – Chemical Pregnancy and Blighted Ovum

Lyss shares about chemical pregnancy, blighted ovum, abortion pill, miscarriage, and triggers.

Amanda – “Listening”

Amanda shares the importance of listening and being comfortable with silence.

Susan – “Relationships”

Susan explains the shift that happens with yourself and your relationships.

Susan – “Living life”

Susan discuss what it means to live life well.

Christian – Grieving those who died of drug poisoning

Christian talks about grieving, stigma and dying from drug poisoning

Matt – Wisdom to pass on

Matt offers advice to his younger self about grief. Matt continues to grieve the death of his birth mother.