
Jenn – What does an art therapist do

Jenn explains how art therapist use the creative process to help people make positive changes to improve their overall health and to enhance their well being

John – What I have learned

John explains how he has changed since his wife died and now looking back what he would say to his self right after his loss

Russell – “Supporting each other”

Russell discusses how he is adjusting to the new normal. Russell continues to grieve the perinatal death of his son.

Krista – “Being uncomfortable”

Krista talks about taking risks. Krista continues to grieve the death of her son from opioid overdose.

Tenille Campbell- “We Matter Campaign”

Tenille discusses her loss and how writing helps with her hurt.

Maureen – Holiday Traditions

Maureen talks about anticipating a holiday and considering honouring a loved one

Rev. Sky – “Sharing”

Rev. Sky explains how sharing helps you heal.

Rebecca -Absurdity

Rebecca talks about the death of her father and how things can seem real unreal, absurd when in grief

Krista – “It feels good to get the anger out”

Krista talks about it feeling good to get the anger out. Krista continues to grieve the death of her son from opioid overdose.

Sarah K – Talking to my kids

Sarah discusses the challenges of discussing her kids about their Dad;s death to heroin and helping them on their journey through grief

Krista – “Changes”

Krista discussed what has changed since her son’s overdose. Krista continues to grieve the death of her son from opioid overdose.

Jackie – Finger painting and grief

Jackie discusses how finger painting help her with her feelings while she was grieving the loss of her mother and sister