
Bryan – Anticipation

Bryan discusses the experience of having his father go through a coma and ultimately dying from gun violence

Marija – Grieving Situational Losses in a Pandemic

Marija talks about feelings associated with grief and Covid

Adrianna – Storytelling… intuitive and instrumental

Adrianna tells how storytelling helped her process her grief

Amber – Grieving at the age of 17

Amber disucss what it’s like to be a teen when a parent dies

Jean – My Story

Jean talks about isolation and grieving during a pandemic

Maureen – Holiday Traditions

Maureen talks about anticipating a holiday and considering honouring a loved one

Christian – “Grief in the opioid crisis”

Christian talks about looking for answers in great sadness.

Madelyn -Healing and support group for Asian Canadian women

Madelyn discusses the value in having your voice heard

Claudia – Waterlillies

Claudia talks about how she painted on panels big enough to hug to help her with her grief

Russell – “Supporting each other”

Russell discusses how he is adjusting to the new normal. Russell continues to grieve the perinatal death of his son.

Zoreena – Tribute

Zoreena talks about tributes, family, pulling together and not being able to have a funeral

Maureen – Funeral during the pandemic

Maureen talks about funeral arrangements during a pandemic