
Janice – “The importance of listening”

Janice explains the importance of not being judgemental and listening when helping someone is in grief.

John Martin – Understanding Grief part 2

John talks about permission to grieve

Madelyn – Accept what you are feeling

Madelyn talks about how it’s ok to not be ok.

Krista – “They are not trying to kill themselves”

Krista explains they are not trying to kill themselves. Krista continues to grieve the death of her son from opioid overdose.

Rev. Sky – “Why”

Rev. Sky talks about the question of why and how to look beyond it.

Cara – Defining Intellectual disabilities and grief

Cara discusses how grief literacy needs to be improved across the board for people with intellectual disabilities to learn more about grief, death and dying. There is a great need to include them in this natural, normal part of life that we’ll all experience.

Cheryl – “What is grief”

Cheryl defines grief and talks about how we all grieve differently.

Holly – Gifts in moments at the end of life

Lynda discusses how to deal with guilt.Holly talks about singing at the end of life

Scott – Music and grief

Scott discusses the relationship between music and grief

Matt – My Story

Matt tells how he found his birth mother and then lost her.

Michele – Covid and support

Michele defines expressive arts and how they can help healing in griefMIchele talks about COVID restrictions, technology and ways to support

Cheryl and Mike – “Their Story”

Cheryl and Mike discuss losing more than one family member. They continue to grieve Cheryl’s father and the death their daughter in a car accident.