
Christian – Supporting people who may die

Christian talks about going from zero overdoses to 50 in a matter of months and how to help people who may die

Kristal – Anger with Grief

Kristal discusses finding ways to channel her anger due to poor policy leading to deaths from drug poisoning and those individuals not having the support they needed. She discusses how human beings have the right to be flawed and should have the ability to grow, heal, and change.

Bryan – My Story

Bryan talks about his father being a lawyer and being shot and killed by an apposing lawyer. He talks about his mother and brother and how they have coped

Jackie – Expressive arts can help when grief is confusing

Jackie talks about how working with an artist therapist helped her after her sister and mother died

Lisa – How to support someone in grief

Lisa shares what was helpful from other people when she was grieving

Donna – “Helping a grieving friend”

Donna shares some practical ways to help someone in grief.

Joyce – Your other children

Joyce discusses how her daughter dealt helped her as well as dealing with the loss of her brother.

Mary – Music as a tool

Mary talks about her involvement in songwriting and in hospice

Krista – “Range of emotions”

Krista talks about the journey towards acceptance.

Karyn and Aidan – Humour

Karyn and Aidan talk about how they use humour as a connection and a coping tool

Amanda – “Ministry of Presence”

Amanda discusses how being present with someone can be helpful.

Lyss – Support, Family, and Friends

Lyss discusses the long process of her mother dying, miscarriages and support from family and friends