
Jane – Loneliness while processing grief

Jane talks about grieving without her extended family because of the pandemic and how that’s impacted things like scattering ashes and having celebrations of life.

Sarah K – Talking about the cause of death

Sarah talks about husbands death to a heroin overdose and stigmatized death.

John – Lasagna

John talks about the “widower’s meal”… Lasagna, and learning how to cook for his daughters after his wife died

Janice – “Photographs”

Janice explains how photographs can be a doorway to help move forward.

Kara – “LIfe Partner”

Kara talks about her partner dying.

Nicole – Stigma Surrounding Drug Use

Nicole discusses how the stigma around drug use has an impact on how people feel able to grieve when those in their community are lost.

Jessica M – The value of talking about grief

Jessica talks about living in North America and the fear many people have about talking about grief but that it is very important to talk. It makes us feel less alone and helps us move through our grief. It’s also how you can keep your lost one alive.

Jeff K – “What is grief”

Jeff discusses the many aspects of grief and how we are all connected. Jeff continues to grieve the death of his mother.

Adam – Story 1

Adam shares about losing his Mom and the many wonderful things he remembers

Jen – “1st year non-judgmental”

Jen discusses the ups and downs of the 1st year.

Joyce – Beliefs

Joyce talks about her belief system after her son died

Doug – “Find a purpose”

Doug talks about hope, purpose and putting things into perspective. Doug continues to grieve the death of bis daughter in a car accident.