
Donna B – “Sharing Stories”

Donna shares a story and explains why it feels so good. Donna continues to grieve the death her son during service in Afghanistan.

Nicole – Advice for Other Professionals Managing Grief

Nicole discusses dealing with repeated loss while working in community outreach, not being afraid to be human.

Ellen – “Grieving her grandmother”

Ellen talks about her grief and the loss of her grandmother.

Claudia – Art therapy and costs

Claudia talks about how people may shy away from art therapy because of costs and how training schools can be an option

Jen – “Releasing grief through yoga”

Jen discusses how some poses can help release stress.

John – What I have learned

John explains how he has changed since his wife died and now looking back what he would say to his self right after his loss

Justin – Song writing and lyrics

Justin explains how lyrics can help convey feelings and how loss has impacted you

Rev. Sky – “Retraumatization”

Rev. Sky discusses trauma and re-experiencing the initial emotion had at the beginning of a loss.

Susan – “Not wanting to be a burden”

Susan talks about the fear of dying becoming a burden and selfishness.

John – Empower yourself

John shares his thoughts about how to support someone in grief and his processes

Sam – Mental health tools and resources

Sam discusses talking care of his mental health and group therapy after losing his father, uncle and cousin

Rev. Sky – “Trauma, grief, and loss, sudden death”

Rev. Sky introduces herself and explains why she is in these videos.