
Bryan – The Three Fs

Bryan talks about the three cornerstones that he lives by …three f’s and how they support him in living a hopeful and positive life

Caileigh – Working with children in grief

Caileigh shares why she likes working with and supporting children in grief. “Over the course of their lives, children and youth and families experience a lot of losses, and it’s an empowering job to empower others. I’m not only empowering them, but I’m also building parent capacity in recognizing that it does take a village and it takes a community to support a child.”

Sharron “Grieving During the Pandemic”

Sharron talks about how Covid-19 has really affected and disrupted the way people are grieving.

Krista’s Story

Krista tells her story and talks about getting the call that no parent wants to get.

Sarah K – Talking to my kids

Sarah discusses the challenges of discussing her kids about their Dad;s death to heroin and helping them on their journey through grief

Jean – My Story

Jean talks about isolation and grieving during a pandemic

Jim – When should you seek help

Jim talks about when you should seek help for mental health. How it can be difficult to ask for help, especially for men and for people in certain professions, such as law enforcement and the military. But if you are struggling, it is important to reach out for support

Hope – Going back to school

Hope talks about the shift she felt when she went back to school after her father’s death.

Zoreena – Ask for help

Zoreena explains how important it is to ask for help

Rebecca -Absurdity

Rebecca talks about the death of her father and how things can seem real unreal, absurd when in grief

Jim – Self care

Jim shares about the importance of self-care for law enforcement officers. I share some simple tips that can help you take care of your physical and mental health, including: Getting enough sleep, Eating a healthy diet, Exercising regularly, Practicing relaxation techniques, Seeking professional help if needed

Lynda – “Guilt during a time of crisis”

Lynda discusses how to deal with guilt.