
Carrie – Thanatology

Carrie explains how thanatolgy is the study of death dying grief and loss.

Russell – “Practical things you can do”

Russell discusses things that give him comfort. Russell continues to grieve the perinatal death of his son.

Maria – “Equal in and out breath meditation”

Maria guides an equal in and out breath meditation.

Karyn and Aidan – The what if game and guilt

Karyn and Aidan explain how they have dealt with guilt

Jenn – Art can give voice

Jenn talks about the barriers that may prevent someone from including art as part of their grief or emotional process including judgment of your art skills and more.

Jenn – In grief an art therapist can be there to walk with you

Jenn discusses how an art therapists can support you in those moments of pain. They are there to honour your stories and experiences.

Jean – My own grief and being a professional counsellor

Jean shares about being a counselor and going through her own grief

Rev. Sky – “It gets easier”

Rev. Sky talks about time and allowing emotion.

Sarah K – Humour to cope

Sarah discuss how humour has been a tool in helping her to cope

Jim – Preparation

Jim shares here is no way to truly prepare for the experiences that you will see as a police officer. You can read about it, talk to veteran officers, and even watch videos, but until you are personally involved in something, you will never know how it will affect you. The best way to deal with the challenges of being a police officer is to expect the unexpected and to be prepared to handle anything that comes your way. Remember, you are not alone. There are many resources available to help you cope with the stress of the job, and there are many other officers who understand what you are going through. If you are considering a career in law enforcement, be sure to do your research and talk to as many people as you can before you make your decision

Karyn and Aidan – Supporting each other

Karyn and Aidan talk about how they supported each other and how they coped with John being hospitalized

Susan – “What I think about”

Susan explains how she is living and dying at the same time.