
Antoinetta – Things that are hard about school

Antoinetta shares about the challenges she faced when returning to school after her father died

Donna B – “Brotherhood of Military”

Donna talks about support from the extended family of the military. Donna continues to grieve the death her son during service in Afghanistan.

Susan – “Bearing Witness”

Susan discusses why it’s OK to talk about death and how you want to die.

Maureen – “If someone you know has experienced pregnancy & infant loss”

Maureen explains practical tools to help someone who is grieving.

Scott – Music that can transport you somewhere else

Scott explains his thoughts about the emotional connection of music and how it can transport you

Doug M – “It’s Ok to have a new life”

Doug tells how he has had mixed emotions but that ultimately it’s OK to have a new life. Doug continues to grieve the death of his first wife.

Joyce – Being gentle on yourself

Joyce explains the importance of being gentle on yourself in grief as you face guilt and should haves

Susan – “The body’s wisdom”

Susan explains how listening to her body has helped her.

Jean – It’s all about love

Jean talks about losing her husband to a heart attack on valentines day

Claudia – Defining an art therapist

Claudia talks about art therapy as a form of psycho therapy

Bryan – The Three Fs

Bryan talks about the three cornerstones that he lives by …three f’s and how they support him in living a hopeful and positive life

Adam – Things that are OK to do

Adam talks about things he does to cope with grief like singing and crying