
Kara – “Getting over the dying part”

Kara describes the process of moving past the traumatic memory of her partner’s death to reflect on the beautiful moments of their thirty years together.

Sharron “Grieving During the Pandemic”

Sharron talks about how Covid-19 has really affected and disrupted the way people are grieving.

Maureen – “Grief doesn’t stop, even when the outside world is in crisis”

Maureen gives suggestions about how you can help people in grief

Caileigh – Advice to my younger self about grief

Caileigh talks about things that you can do to balance out feelings that it’s okay to experience all of the big feelings that you have, to find joy in little moments, and to find ways that you can cope with those big feelings.

Maureen – “Our first miscarriage”

Maureen shares insights about her miscarriages.

Kristal – Lack of Memorials During Pandemic

Kristal talks about how memorials can offer closure to people who are grieving, find a community, and share stories. With the absence of this during the pandemic, many people turned inward to grieve or isolated, which can create safety issues and have an impact on mental health. She speaks to how this leads to depression, physical pain, and it compounds upon itself.

Jessica M – Finding Hope

Jessica shares memories of her brothers birthday which was just before her mothers death and how they all found hope

Kate – Getting support

Kate talks about how difficult it is to ask for support

Christian – Supporting people who may die

Christian talks about going from zero overdoses to 50 in a matter of months and how to help people who may die

Jessica M – The value of talking about grief

Jessica talks about living in North America and the fear many people have about talking about grief but that it is very important to talk. It makes us feel less alone and helps us move through our grief. It’s also how you can keep your lost one alive.

Janice – “Let the feelings come up”

Janice talks about how it can help to let the feelings come up.

Cheryl and Mike – “Everybody’s different”

Cheryl and Mike discuss how everyone is unique in their grieving. They continue to grieve the death their daughter in a car accident.