Supporting Others

What Can Help with Early Traumatic Grief?

When your child dies you are thrown into a nightmare. None of this is expected to be easy.
Even after several months, it still isn’t. There have been some things that have helped us during
our grief. Maybe they will help you, too.

John Martin – Understanding Grief part 1

John discusses his understanding of what grief is

Andrea – Loneliness and support

Andrea talks about how tough it is to be alone and how her friends and family have come through for her

Ripples of Grief: Supporting Ourselves, Others, and our Communities After a Death

By Jessica Milette, MSW, RSW When death knocks on the door of a community, each of us are impacted. Sometimes a death will touch many lives across a community, whether people knew the deceased personally or not. We may grieve the death of a family member, friend, or acquaintance, a well-known community member, or someone…

John Martin – The Trauma of Loss and Grief

John discusses trauma and grief

Lyss – Support, Family, and Friends

Lyss discusses the long process of her mother dying, miscarriages and support from family and friends

Amber -Helping someone who is grieving

Amber talks about how her grief has helped her learn how support other people in grief.


That is also our best, and only role, when supporting a person with a developmental disability to grieve. We must be the one that comes alongside. There is no closer place we can get to. We must be present, be with, perhaps not understanding or comprehending what the person we support is experiencing, but alongside them nonetheless. We must be there, ready to provide whatever we can discover of their unique need in grief.

Amber – Keeping Dad’s memory alive

Amber tells how she set up a Dad adventure day to keep the memory of her father alive for her kids and husband

Amber – Talking to your kids about death

Amber talks about how important it is to talk about grief, especially with kids

Adrianna – Storytelling… intuitive and instrumental

Adrianna tells how storytelling helped her process her grief

Nicole – Grieving as a community

Nicole discusses the power of grieving together as a community. Finding connection and trust.