Supporting Others

Laura- Loss to Suicide

Grief, Breastfeeding, and Care

In this essay, I share a bit about my story of grief and breastfeeding. I also share some thoughts about the cultural grief some people are carrying about the lack of support afforded to lactating families whose goal it is to feed their baby from their body. I use some gendered language throughout this essay…

John Martin – Loss and Grief- Make Sure You Hear Their Story

John about the importance of hearing a griever

Sunny- Supporting My Grieving Mom

Maureen – “Peer vs professional support”

Maureen talks about getting help and what is right for you.

Amanda – “Ministry of Presence”

Amanda discusses how being present with someone can be helpful.

Kate – Advice to my younger self

Kate explains things being authentic and honest to herself has been very valuable

Shannon – Blessings and sadness

Shannon discusses how just showing up, being present is a powerful way of supporting to someone who has lost. Listen more – talk less.

Michele – Covid and support

Michele defines expressive arts and how they can help healing in griefMIchele talks about COVID restrictions, technology and ways to support

Ripples of Grief: Supporting Ourselves, Others, and our Communities After a Death

By Jessica Milette, MSW, RSW When death knocks on the door of a community, each of us are impacted. Sometimes a death will touch many lives across a community, whether people knew the deceased personally or not. We may grieve the death of a family member, friend, or acquaintance, a well-known community member, or someone…

John Martin – Coping with grief part 2

John talks gives some pointers to help cope with loss