
Brenda and Dale – “Returning to Work”

Brenda and Dale discuss their experiences going back to work. They continue to grieve the death of their son by suicide.

Suicide Loss Toolkit [Free Downloadable PDF]

Approximately 4500 people in Canada die by suicide each year. That is approximately 12 people who die by suicide each day. In 2022, 49,476 Americans died by suicide. That’s 1 death every 11 minutes. On average, 5 people grieve for every death. That leaves over 250,000 people experiencing suicide-related grief and distress. Grief Stories has…

Adrianna – Guilt and death by suicide

Adrianna gives insights she has found about guilt

Adrianna – My Story

Adrianna talks about the journey she has been on since her brother’s suicide

Brenda and Dale – “Family”

Brenda and Dale talk about their struggles in being a family. They continue to grieve the death of their son by suicide.

Shannon – Guilt vs Shame

Shannon talks about guilt can be a part of the grieving process but shame has to do with “is there something wrong with me”

Collective Grief

When the death of a person affects many members in a community, city, country, or across the world, people will experience collective grief.

These are some things that can help people through the experience of collective grief across a community.

What I know about grief

The following are some things I know to be true about grief for me, based on my lived experience. Some of them may resonate with you as well. Grief is unique to the people experiencing it in each moment, so please take whatever makes sense to you from this share and leave whatever doesn’t.

Laura- Loss to Suicide