Bereavement Professionals’ Insights

Christian – “Grief in the opioid crisis”

Christian talks about looking for answers in great sadness.

Claudia – You do not have to be an artist to do art therapy

Claudia explains why you do not have to be an artist to benefit

Claudia – What do I do when my art is finished

Claudia explains some helpful tips after your art is finished

Jean – Helping your children through grief

Jean discusses how helping her children through grief also helped her

Corrie – We cry because we love

Corrie talks about crying, hurt and love

Jen – “Grief yoga”

Jen talks about how yoga may be beneficial.

Caileigh – Recommendations as a therapist and a griever

Caileigh discussed two recommendations for parents on how to support their child’s grief. as a therapist and a griever. The first is to recognize that being with is far more important than fixing. There’s two pieces to connection. The first being that one of the most important healing aspects to grief is feeling connected to others.

Chantal – Graphic novels and art therapy

Chantal defines what a graphic novel is and how words mix with imagery like a dance

Carrie – Thanatology

Carrie explains how thanatolgy is the study of death dying grief and loss.

Janice – “More to deal with than death when someone dies”

Janice explains that when somebody dies it’s not just the death that you are dealing with but the entire relationship.

Rev. Sky – “What is grief?”

Rev. Sky talks about the universality of grief and how people grieve differently.

Jenn – What does an art therapist do

Jenn explains how art therapist use the creative process to help people make positive changes to improve their overall health and to enhance their well being