Bereavement Professionals’ Insights

Jeff K – “What is grief”

Jeff discusses the many aspects of grief and how we are all connected. Jeff continues to grieve the death of his mother.

Chantal – You don’t have to be an artist to take part in art therapy

Chantal explains that you don’t have to be an artist to participate in art therapy and acutally if you have less art experience you will enjoy it more.

Craig – Resilience in the Face of Adversity

Craig how he overcame a series of challenges, including the loss of his marriage, his job, and his home. He talks about how he found the strength to keep going and how he learned to be more resilient.

Maureen – “Peer vs professional support”

Maureen talks about getting help and what is right for you.

Chantal – Physical symptoms and grieving

Chantal talks about panic attacks and thinking she was having a heart attack

Marija – Permission to mourn

Marija discusses the value of being allowing yourself to mourn

Caleigh – Play Therapy

Caileigh explains how play therapy, a form of psychotherapy can help children in grief. It is specifically used when working with children and families and youth because it’s developmentally appropriate. They are never expected to sit down and to talk. And it is through the language of play that they’re able to learn about the confusing feelings of grief. They are able to learn new skills to cope with their grief, and they’re able to go at their own pace.

Christian – “Overdose Death”

Christian talks about an overdose death not defining who that person was.

Jenn – Your art completely belongs to you

Jenn explains the wonderful thing about art is that piece belongs completely to you and you have the power to do whatever you wish with it . She makes some suggestions as to what you may want to do.

Jen – “1st year non-judgmental”

Jen discusses the ups and downs of the 1st year.

Donna – “Living with grief”

Donna talks about the threads of grief and her personal experience.

Corrie – Grief is like a rollercoaster

Corrie talks about grief over time