Death and Grief During a Pandemic

Maureen – “Grief doesn’t stop, even when the outside world is in crisis”

Maureen gives suggestions about how you can help people in grief

Sunny- Grief and Maintaining Health

Kara – Starting a grief journey again

Kara explains how Covid-19 has made her have to relearn tools to help in her grief. The pandemic changed the way Kara continued to grieve the loss of her partner.

The Reflection Room® project: How storytelling supports processing grief

The Reflection Room project is an evidence-based participatory art installation that was developed by researchers at the SE Research Centre and Memorial University in 2016. The project included a research component that evaluated the impact of Reflection Rooms as the project adapted over time to address changing needs.

Michele – My Story

MIchele talks about her multiple losses starting from when she was very young

Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Other Special Days

When we are grieving, some days are more difficult than others. Grief comes in waves like the sea and can feel like an intertwining labyrinth of emotions. Birthdays, anniversaries, and special dates that are associated with our loved one who has died can contribute to more emotionally intense days which can be worsened through the anticipation and “what ifs” of the upcoming day. These difficult days can leave us feeling defeated and it can almost feel like we’ve taken two steps backward in our grieving process, but grief does not have a timeline, and these feelings of setbacks are opportunities for healing.

Jean – Helping your children through grief

Jean discusses how helping her children through grief also helped her

Jane – Grief and yoga

Jane shares about the impact yoga, and moving her body in general, on her mental health while she processes grief.

Jean – It’s all about love

Jean talks about losing her husband to a heart attack on valentines day

Lynda – “Guilt during a time of crisis”

Lynda discusses how to deal with guilt.

Learning from Grief

Grief is weird. Odd start, I know, but that was the sentence I used a lot whenever someone asked me how I was. It was never a constant feeling; it changed day to day. And still does. It’s the full gambit of emotions from sadness to anger to guilt and, though dark, even humour found its way in.

Adrianna – Pandemic, funerals and celebration of life

Adrianna talks about the death of her friend during pandemic