Death and Grief During a Pandemic

Jean – What grief feels like physically

Jean discusses the physical effects she has experienced in grief

Maureen – “Permission to mourn”

Maureen explains about grief being valid and how important it is to look after yourself.

Kim – It’s different during a pandemic

Kim talks about how the pandemic influenced how they were able to deal with her Mum’s death

Karyn and Aidan – Coping with the COVID restrictions

Karyn and Aidan talk about how they dealt with not being able to visit John in hospital

Karyn and Aidan – Humour

Karyn and Aidan talk about how they use humour as a connection and a coping tool

Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Other Special Days

When we are grieving, some days are more difficult than others. Grief comes in waves like the sea and can feel like an intertwining labyrinth of emotions. Birthdays, anniversaries, and special dates that are associated with our loved one who has died can contribute to more emotionally intense days which can be worsened through the anticipation and “what ifs” of the upcoming day. These difficult days can leave us feeling defeated and it can almost feel like we’ve taken two steps backward in our grieving process, but grief does not have a timeline, and these feelings of setbacks are opportunities for healing.

Karyn and Aidan – Challenges with COVID restrictions

Karyn and Aidan discuss the COVID restrictions on visitations and how they managed

Kim – Support at the hospital

Kim discusses how tough COVID made the hospital experience and the support she received

Nicole – Working in Community Outreach

Nicole discusses her work in community outreach and how she has lived experience with addiction and living rough.

Joyce -The pandemics impact on drug poisonings

Joyce talks about drug poisonings during the pandemic

Maureen – Funeral during the pandemic

Maureen talks about funeral arrangements during a pandemic

Weathering the Intense Emotions of Grief

Grief often comes with powerful, unpredictable emotional shifts that can be painful to experience. While it’s important to find ways to sit with these feelings, to acknowledge the pain of grief and accept loss, it’s also necessary to find ways to ease and manage the pain. There are several simple activities that you can explore to help.