Death and Grief During a Pandemic

Kim – Checking in is very important

Kim explains why it is so important to check in and keep in touch with people who have lost

Maureen – “Not being able to be with your loved one”

Maureen discusses ideas of how you can honour a loved now until it is safe to come together.

Jean – My own grief and being a professional counsellor

Jean shares about being a counselor and going through her own grief

Holly – Singing in the last days

Holly talks about her partner’s pancreatic cancer diagnosis, the pandemic, their decisions, faith and how singing

Andrea – Loneliness and support

Andrea talks about how tough it is to be alone and how her friends and family have come through for her

Jane – Preparing for another loss

Jane talks about her experience with another grandparent dying after losing two grandparents over the last few years.

Zoreena – Ask for help

Zoreena explains how important it is to ask for help

Andrea – Couples versus being single

Andrea talks about becoming single when her husband died

Maureen – “Grief doesn’t stop, even when the outside world is in crisis”

Maureen gives suggestions about how you can help people in grief

Sunny- Supporting My Grieving Mom

Nicole – Power of Speaking About Lost Ones

Nicole discusses the importance of sharing memories of those lost to drug poisoning and speaking their names.

Karyn and Aidan – Describing grief during the pandemic

Karyn and Aidan talk about how their grief has changed and the challenges they have faced grieving during a pandemic