My Story Video

Nicole – Working in Community Outreach

Nicole discusses her work in community outreach and how she has lived experience with addiction and living rough.

Cheryl and Mike – “Their Story”

Cheryl and Mike discuss losing more than one family member. They continue to grieve Cheryl’s father and the death their daughter in a car accident.

Adrianna – My Story

Adrianna talks about the journey she has been on since her brother’s suicide

Craig – My Story

Craig’s story is one of resilience and triumph. In the span of just 18 months, he lost his marriage, his mom, two dogs, a cat, his job, and his house. But rather than give up, he picked himself up and started over. He went back to school to become a therapist, and now he’s helping others who are struggling to overcome adversity. Craig’s story is a reminder that no matter how bad things seem, there is always hope. With hard work and determination, you can overcome any challenge.

Antoinetta – Story

Antoinetta tells her story of grief and her father getting lung cancer

Michele – Creative expression and processing grief

Michele tells what advice she would give to her younger grieving selfMichele talks about coping that since being a child how creativity helped

Sarah K – Story

Sarah tells the story of her husbands death to a heroin overdose.

Adam – Story 2

Adam discusses his busy life and how he has coped after losing his mother

Cara – My story with intellectual disabilities and grief

Cara talks about how she came to see how people with intellectual disabilities need to be supported in grief

Andrea – My Story

Andrea shares her story of losing her husband during a pandemic

Cheryl – “My story”

Cheryl talks about her daughter’s organ donations.

Michele – My Story

MIchele talks about her multiple losses starting from when she was very young