
Adrienne – Music Therapists Can Help

Adrienne explains different ways that music can help grievers

Maureen – Music at the end of life

Maureen discusses how music can help during end of life

Mary – What I would say to my younger self

Mary talks about what she has learned about grief

Lyss – Writing Songs and Words

Lyss shares about how writing songs and words has helped her with intense feelings

Valmy – Checking in on someone is good

Valmy explains how helpful it is to check in on someone who is grieving

Cheryl B – Music and how it affects me

Cheryl explains how songwriting and singing has helped her with grief and with the pandemic

Murray – Be patient

Murray explains the most important thing he has learned about grief

Logan – My story

Logan talks about the death of his father and bone cancer and how writing music helped

Madelyn – Grieving process as a 2nd generation Canadian

Madelyn talks about being a 2nd generation Canadian, some things she has learend working in palliative care as a music therapist

Valmy – It’s ok to feel how you are feeling

Valmy discusses feelings and how she copes

Lisa – What I do with my music

Lisa discusses what she does with the songs she writes and how they work for her when she needs to tap into a safe space

Logan – Advice

Logan discusses how its good tp let out your emotions