
One Breath at a Time

Music Video for people impacted by suicide loss

Scott – The importance of processing

Scott discusses having a nervous breakdown and realizing that he hadn’t fully processed the grief he had been through with the loss of his mother and father. He also discusses how music helped him moving forward

Matt – Music helped my grief

Matt discusses how creativity and music help his grief

Holly – Gifts in moments at the end of life

Lynda discusses how to deal with guilt.Holly talks about singing at the end of life

Valmy – It’s ok to feel how you are feeling

Valmy discusses feelings and how she copes

Cale – Advice for writing music about grief

Cale discussses the relationship between your art and how you feel

Adrienne – Gloria’s story

Adrienne tells the story of Gloria writing a song based on her husband’s whistling

Scott – Writing music

Scott talks about the cathartic nature of writing music stories

Maureen – Writing a song for a friend who is dying

Maureen talks about writing as song for a dying friend

Sara – Music and celebration of life

Sara explains how music can play an importand and significant role in celebrations of life.

Mary – Taking songwriting classes

Mary explains two reasons why people take songwriting classes

Justin – Song writing and lyrics

Justin explains how lyrics can help convey feelings and how loss has impacted you