
Mary – What I would say to my younger self

Mary talks about what she has learned about grief

Lisa – Music and her connection with her father

Lisa talks about the gratitude she has for reconnecting with her father before he died and how much music was a connection for them

Justin – Song writing and lyrics

Justin explains how lyrics can help convey feelings and how loss has impacted you

Murray – The power of music

Murray discusses the power of music and how it accesses your heart

Lisa -How grief changes

Lisa talks about being lost after her Dad passed away and two years later how she has come to a place of groundedness

Cheryl B – My dream of creating a choir

Cheryl talks about she created a number of choirs including children, female physicians and seniors… Voices Rock Canada

Sara – Music at the end of life

Sara talks about the values of music at the end of life

Cale – Celebrate the life

Cale talks about sacred fire, grief and celebrating the life

Madelyn – The power of music

Madelyn – discusses the potency of music and processing good and bad memories

Cheryl B – My story

Cheryl discusses her husbands mental illness and then death from a heart attack

Logan – Advice

Logan discusses how its good tp let out your emotions

Adrienne – Music and grief

Adrienne talks about the many ways music can help during a time of grief