I Am A Griever

Kristal – Anger with Grief

Kristal discusses finding ways to channel her anger due to poor policy leading to deaths from drug poisoning and those individuals not having the support they needed. She discusses how human beings have the right to be flawed and should have the ability to grow, heal, and change.

Jim – Preparation

Jim shares here is no way to truly prepare for the experiences that you will see as a police officer. You can read about it, talk to veteran officers, and even watch videos, but until you are personally involved in something, you will never know how it will affect you. The best way to deal with the challenges of being a police officer is to expect the unexpected and to be prepared to handle anything that comes your way. Remember, you are not alone. There are many resources available to help you cope with the stress of the job, and there are many other officers who understand what you are going through. If you are considering a career in law enforcement, be sure to do your research and talk to as many people as you can before you make your decision

Scott – Writing music

Scott talks about the cathartic nature of writing music stories

Lyss – Seasonal Reminders

Lyss seasonal reminders and her mother dying at New Years

Caileigh – Recommendations as a therapist and a griever

Caileigh discussed two recommendations for parents on how to support their child’s grief. as a therapist and a griever. The first is to recognize that being with is far more important than fixing. There’s two pieces to connection. The first being that one of the most important healing aspects to grief is feeling connected to others.

John – Foggy Brain

John discusses how difficult it is to concentrate after loss

John – Dating again

John talks about being asked by his daughters if he would ever date again

Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Other Special Days

When we are grieving, some days are more difficult than others. Grief comes in waves like the sea and can feel like an intertwining labyrinth of emotions. Birthdays, anniversaries, and special dates that are associated with our loved one who has died can contribute to more emotionally intense days which can be worsened through the anticipation and “what ifs” of the upcoming day. These difficult days can leave us feeling defeated and it can almost feel like we’ve taken two steps backward in our grieving process, but grief does not have a timeline, and these feelings of setbacks are opportunities for healing.

Beauty found at the edges: a portrait of community support

I’d sent a text saying “Hello friends, I’m putting out a call for flowers. I went to public school with Kory, the young man who died in downtown Cobourg this week, and though I hadn’t seen him in recent years, I feel the loss of him on a community level, as I imagine you do, too. Some of Kory’s people are gathering tonight in vigil at the bank where he died, and I’m gathering flowers from those of us who have gardens to share with this grieving community. Do you have some blooms in your garden that you’d be willing to share?”

Nicole – Using Art and Creativity to Express Grief

Nicole discusses the work she does to allow access to creative outlets such as art hives and gardening.

Kate – Time to process

Kate shares about time and processing her grief especially during COVID

Caileigh – My own grief and supporting others

Caileigh tells about her own grief and now it has given her a really powerful lens on how to support children going through grief as well. Along with her professional education and training, there is now a different perspective on grief and how that fits in with supporting others.