Grief and Trauma

Donna B – “Brotherhood of Military”

Donna talks about support from the extended family of the military. Donna continues to grieve the death her son during service in Afghanistan.

Donna B – “Anxiety Attacks”

Donna shares her experiences with anxiety and how she deals with it. Donna continues to grieve the death her son during service in Afghanistan.

Russell – “Be good to yourself”

Russell explains that looking after himself gives him the strength to look after others. Russell continues to grieve the perinatal death of his son.

Christian – “Grief can bring new life”

Christian explains where he found hope in grief.

Cheryl and Mike – “Multiple losses”

Cheryl and Mike discuss the differences in loss of people who love you unconditionally. They continue to grieve Cheryl’s father and the death their daughter in a car accident.

Bryan – Empathy for others

Bryan talks about how losing his father to gun violence was difficult and how taking things day by day helped him get through many difficult times. Now he wants to help children who are going through something similar to what he did. Things will get better and there is always a light at the end of the tunnel

Rev. Sky – “Weepies”

Rev. Sky talks about weepies, that they are OK and how to deal with them.

Sarah K – Supporting someone in grief

Sarah gives her thoughts on how many things there are you can domto support someone in grief and how to be proactive

Krista – “Things you can do that help”

Krista shares some of the things that help her through the grieving process.

Krista – “Grief counselling helps”

Krista talks about how a listening ear has helped her. Krista continues to grieve the death of her son from opioid overdose.

Rev. Sky – “What is a trigger”

Rev. Sky explains triggers, identifying them and what you need.

Russell – “Relationship”

Russell discusses how loss affects relationships. Russell continues to grieve the perinatal death of his son.