Death of A Loved One

Jeff – “Change”

Jeff reflects on the ebb and flow of grief during the healing process. Jeff continues to grieve the death of his mother.

Kim – You can get through this

Kim talks about the difference between her Dad and her Mum’s death

Kara – “Dogs”

Kara discusses how pets help. Kara continues to grieve the death of her partner.

Andrea – Loneliness and support

Andrea talks about how tough it is to be alone and how her friends and family have come through for her

Joyce- Learning to live with grief

Joyce shares a story of support from a friend and how she managed in her early grief

Sam – My story

Sam tells his story and losing his father, uncle and cousin in a short period of time

Nicole – Using Art and Creativity to Express Grief

Nicole discusses the work she does to allow access to creative outlets such as art hives and gardening.

Cheryl and Mike – “Grieving more than one person”

Mike and Cheryl discuss how it gets complicated with multiple losses. They continue to grieve Cheryl’s father and the death their daughter in a car accident.

Maureen – “Unresolved conflicts”

Maureen shares about her Dad, anger, love and some tools to manage unresolved conflicts.

Jackie – Finger painting and grief

Jackie discusses how finger painting help her with her feelings while she was grieving the loss of her mother and sister

Donna B – “Having Faith”

Donna explains how faith has helped her. Donna continues to grieve the death her son during service in Afghanistan.

Bryan – Mom

Bryan gives his mother credit for how well she raised her two sons after her husband was murdered