Death of A Loved One

Karyn and Aidan – Grief changes

Karyn and Aidan talk about how grief changes, coping, strength, crying, talking, comfort and support

Jane – Loneliness while processing grief

Jane talks about grieving without her extended family because of the pandemic and how that’s impacted things like scattering ashes and having celebrations of life.

Antoinetta – Things that help when struggling

Antoinetta talks about the first time she learned that it was ok that she was grieving and how to unpack all her feelings

Krista – “My way of helping others”

Krista talks about reducing the stigma. Krista continues to grieve the death of her son from opioid overdose.

Katie – Reminders in nature

Katie talks about crying privately and how nature can help. Cardinals remind her of her father

Doug M – “New Normal”

Doug tells about changes and how he has learned to embrace the new normal. Doug continues to grieve the death of his first wife.

Adrianna – Finding out my brother had died by suicide

Adrianna relates how she heard about her brother’s suicide

Holly – The symbolic nature of death

Holly discusses doing art, the symbolic nature of urns and the denial of death

Donna B – “Seeking Help”

Donna talks about the importance of speaking to someone. Donna continues to grieve the death her son during service in Afghanistan.

Craig – How men process grief

Craig talks about his personal story of grief and how he learned to process his emotions in a healthy way. He discusses the challenges that men face when grieving, and offers advice on how to find healthy ways to cope with loss.Craig lost his wife, his mother, his job, and his home in a short period of time. He describes how he felt pressured to be stoic and strong for others, and how this made it difficult for him to grieve. He eventually realized that it was important to allow himself to feel his emotions, even the difficult ones.Craig shares some of the things that helped him to process his grief, such as talking to a therapist, writing in a journal, and spending time in nature. He also emphasizes the importance of finding support from friends and family. This video is a powerful and moving story of how one man found healing after experiencing a series of devastating losses. It is an important reminder that grief is a normal and healthy emotion, and that there are healthy ways to cope with it.

Nicole – Pandemic’s Effect on Grieving as a Community

Nicole discusses the ways the pandemic has affected the way people grieve as a community.

Kate – My story

Kate tells her story of being away when her brother died of an opioid overdose