Death of A Loved One

Betsy – Adoption and grief

Betsy tell her story of losing her adopted son to cancer

Donna B – “Accepting support”

Donna explains how support can help. Donna continues to grieve the death her son during service in Afghanistan.

Amber – My Story

Amber talks about the traumatic death of her father in an explosion and being 17

Donna B – “Grieving Over Time”

Donna about time, how grief changes and moving on. Donna continues to grieve the death her son during service in Afghanistan.

Jean – Be good to yourself

Jean shares about support and not being hard on yourself

Holly – Gifts in moments at the end of life

Lynda discusses how to deal with guilt.Holly talks about singing at the end of life

Russell – “Need to talk”

Russell talks about both mothers and fathers having needs. Russell continues to grieve the perinatal death of his son.

Doug M – “Waiting before making major changes”

Doug discusses the importance of waiting to make decisions after you have developed your new life. Doug continues to grieve the death of his first wife.

Jackie – Finger painting and grief

Jackie discusses how finger painting help her with her feelings while she was grieving the loss of her mother and sister

Adam – Advice

Adam shares his advice about losing and remembering a loved one

Craig – There is No Right Way to Grieve

Craig talks about his experience with grief and how there is no right or wrong way to grieve. He shares his thoughts on how to allow yourself to do what you need to do to heal, even if it doesn’t seem like “self-care.” This video is a reminder that everyone grieves differently and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to healing.

Donna B – “5 Generations of Service”

Donna talks about her son and how her family understands service. Donna continues to grieve the death her son during service in Afghanistan.