Death of A Loved One

Krista – “Being uncomfortable”

Krista talks about taking risks. Krista continues to grieve the death of her son from opioid overdose.

Kara – “Moving On”

Kara talks about selling their house and the transition. Kara continues to grieve the death of her partner.

Lyss – Support, Family, and Friends

Lyss discusses the long process of her mother dying, miscarriages and support from family and friends

Krista – “Dealing with it”

Krista tells about the differences people have in dealing with it. Krista continues to grieve the death of her son from opioid overdose.

Holly – Singing in the last days

Holly talks about her partner’s pancreatic cancer diagnosis, the pandemic, their decisions, faith and how singing

Sam – Men in grief

Sam who lost his father, uncle and cousin talks about men and grief

Donna B – “Offering Support”

Donna explains how talking/listening is a help. Donna continues to grieve the death her son during service in Afghanistan.

When Death Feels like a Thief

In the heart of my grief, at my frailest, all I could see was what was no more. I grieved all that was stolen from me by death; love, security and even my very self. Had I known the value of having every pocket of who I was, picked bare by grief, I would not have fought so hard to hold onto it all.

Amber – Grieving at the age of 17

Amber disucss what it’s like to be a teen when a parent dies

Lyss – Seasonal Reminders

Lyss seasonal reminders and her mother dying at New Years

Collective Grief

When the death of a person affects many members in a community, city, country, or across the world, people will experience collective grief.

These are some things that can help people through the experience of collective grief across a community.

Donna B – “Tools for a year of firsts”

Donna discusses how to look after yourself. Donna continues to grieve the death her son during service in Afghanistan.