Death of A Loved One

Lisa – What I do with my music

Lisa discusses what she does with the songs she writes and how they work for her when she needs to tap into a safe space

Karyn and Cathy – “Suicide”

Karyn and Cathy discuss how the stigma of suicide impacted the lack of acknowledgement of their grief and loss. Karyn and Cathy continues to grieve the death of their father by suicide.

Krista – “Things you can do that help”

Krista shares some of the things that help her through the grieving process.

Sam – Depression

Sam who lost his father, uncle and cousin talks about depression and being self aware

Doug M – “Recovery from Grief”

Doug discusses how you learn that there are opportunities in the rest of your life. Doug continues to grieve the death of his first wife.

Zoreena – Support systems

Zoreena explains the importance of support systems

Craig – Grieving as a Single Parent

In this video, Craig talks about the challenges of grieving as a single parent. He shares his own experiences and offers advice on how to cope with grief, talk to your kids about what’s happening, and ask for help from others.This video is for any single parent who is grieving the loss of a loved one. It is also for anyone who knows a single parent who is grieving and wants to offer support.

Donna B – “Having Faith”

Donna explains how faith has helped her. Donna continues to grieve the death her son during service in Afghanistan.

Mary S – The value of writing

Mary talks about how much writing has helped inlcuding writing what her partner would have said

Cheryl and Mike – “Getting help”

Mike and Cheryl talk about their surviving daughter and getting help. They continue to grieve the death their daughter in a car accident.

Russell – “Be good to yourself”

Russell explains that looking after himself gives him the strength to look after others. Russell continues to grieve the perinatal death of his son.

Krista – “Just be there”

Krista explains how being a listening ear can be so helpful. Krista continues to grieve the death of her son from opioid overdose.