Death of A Loved One

Cheryl – “My story”

Cheryl talks about her daughter’s organ donations.

Lyss – Seasonal Reminders

Lyss seasonal reminders and her mother dying at New Years

Kara – “Just give it time”

Kara discusses time and how grief changes. Kara continues to grieve the death of her partner.

Joyce – Beliefs

Joyce talks about her belief system after her son died

Making Space to Hear Them: supporting children in grief

Children tend to be naturally curious as they grow and learn to navigate the world. As adults, it’s our job to walk with them through that process of learning and to support their curiosity. It can be hard to do that with respect when we are situated in cultures that don’t acknowledge children as autonomous humans worthy of mutual respect. It can be tempting to encourage kids to ignore their feelings about death and grief or to shut down conversations about it when they ask questions. Sometimes, this is because we just don’t know what to say that is developmentally appropriate, especially with young children. Sometimes, it’s because we haven’t allowed ourselves to develop our own thoughts and feelings about death and grief and it feels uncomfortable for us to talk about.

Kim – It’s different during a pandemic

Kim talks about how the pandemic influenced how they were able to deal with her Mum’s death

Kim – Facebook and connecting

Kim – discussses our need to connect and how Facebook was useful after her Mum’s death

Lisa -Advice to grievers

Lisa explains her thoughts about how to help someone in grief

Doug M – “Writing a Letter”

Doug explains how writing was very profound and helpful in processing his grief. Doug continues to grieve the death of his first wife.

Craig – Supporting Someone in Grief

Craig discusses his personal experience with grief and how he felt when people didn’t reach out to him during a difficult time. He offers advice on how to best support someone who is grieving, emphasizing the importance of simply showing up and letting them know that you care.

Weathering the Intense Emotions of Grief

Grief often comes with powerful, unpredictable emotional shifts that can be painful to experience. While it’s important to find ways to sit with these feelings, to acknowledge the pain of grief and accept loss, it’s also necessary to find ways to ease and manage the pain. There are several simple activities that you can explore to help.

Logan – Songwriting and grief

Logan – Songwriting and grief

Logan explains how a song about his father helped