Death of A Loved One

Lisa – Music and a safe space

Lisa explains how music has been a safe space for her to feel all of the emotions that have come up since she lost her Dad

Betsy – Adoption and grief

Betsy tell her story of losing her adopted son to cancer

Shannon – Enough

Shannon talks about us all doing the very best we can from the perspectives of a licensed clinical counselor and losing her husband to suicide.

Donna B – “Brotherhood of Military”

Donna talks about support from the extended family of the military. Donna continues to grieve the death her son during service in Afghanistan.

Saved by a Unicorn: How I Found the Positive in Grief, One Stitch at a Time

Looking back, I had no idea how to even continue to live. A simple attempt at something therapeutic sent the negative bereavement energy into a positive direction. It made me realize my strengths, at a time when I felt I had none at all. It provided a space where I am now better able to manage grief when it hits.

Bryan – Vulnerability

Bryan talks about things are not always OK and that’s OK and things are going to get better

Craig – Grieving as a Single Parent

In this video, Craig talks about the challenges of grieving as a single parent. He shares his own experiences and offers advice on how to cope with grief, talk to your kids about what’s happening, and ask for help from others.This video is for any single parent who is grieving the loss of a loved one. It is also for anyone who knows a single parent who is grieving and wants to offer support.

Andrew – “Loss of a twin”

Andrew talks about the loss of his twin brother, time in the womb and that there are people out there that can help. Andrew continues to grieve the death of his twin brother by mishap.

Krista – “They are not trying to kill themselves”

Krista explains they are not trying to kill themselves. Krista continues to grieve the death of her son from opioid overdose.

Kim – Support at the hospital

Kim discusses how tough COVID made the hospital experience and the support she received

Jean – My own grief and being a professional counsellor

Jean shares about being a counselor and going through her own grief

Cheryl and Mike – “Living with grief”

Cheryl and Mike discuss process and moving forward. They continue to grieve the death their daughter in a car accident.