Death of A Loved One

Maureen – “Unresolved conflicts”

Maureen shares about her Dad, anger, love and some tools to manage unresolved conflicts.

Kara – “Meals”

Kara discusses food shopping for one and learning what she as an individual likes. Kara continues to grieve the death of her partner.

Sam – Mental health tools and resources

Sam discusses talking care of his mental health and group therapy after losing his father, uncle and cousin

Joyce – Using my grief experience to help people

Joyce talks about the positive experiences she has in helping other people in grief

Betsy – Mother’s day

Betsy shares her challenges around mother’s day when her adopted son died

Karyn and Aidan – The what if game and guilt

Karyn and Aidan explain how they have dealt with guilt

Zoreena – Passing on kindness

Zoreena talks about wakes, funerals, COVID and the importance of kindness

Krista – “Feel the feelings”

Krista discusses why she thinks it’s important to deal with feelings. Krista continues to grieve the death of her son from opioid overdose.

Hope – Different lenses

Hope shares about the differences in experiences between losing her father and her Mom losing a spouse

Krista – “Things you can do that help”

Krista shares some of the things that help her through the grieving process.

Katie “Ongoing Grief”

Katie talks about the loss of her mother.

Donna B – “Offering Support”

Donna explains how talking/listening is a help. Donna continues to grieve the death her son during service in Afghanistan.