Death of A Loved One

Kara – “Precious memories”

Kara talks about a special gift of memories. Kara continues to grieve the death of her partner.

Doug M – “Planning for Death”

Doug talks about how planning for a funeral and life after his wife’s death was helpful. Doug continues to grieve the death of his first wife.

Jessica M – A Parking Lot Memorial

Jessica shares how her family gathered after her uncle died during COVID and how her family came up with a creative way of getting together in a parking lot.

Craig – Grieving as a Single Parent

In this video, Craig talks about the challenges of grieving as a single parent. He shares his own experiences and offers advice on how to cope with grief, talk to your kids about what’s happening, and ask for help from others.This video is for any single parent who is grieving the loss of a loved one. It is also for anyone who knows a single parent who is grieving and wants to offer support.

Creating Mother’s Day Traditions as a member of the Dead Mom Club

About a week after Easter this year, I noticed I was starting to feel off. My sleep wasn’t as restful, experiencing tension in my body, at times I was getting irritated with the simplest things. Then while streaming an episode of television, 4 ads back to back all talking about Mother’s Day. Then came the…

Russell – “Questions people ask”

Russell discusses how he answers the hardest questions people ask. Russell continues to grieve the perinatal death of his son.

Kate – Triggers

Kate discusses how she deals with her emotions when something triggers her grief

Matt – Adoption and grief

Matt talks about how adoption and grief have similarities. Matt continues to grieve the death of his birth mother.

Krista – “Range of emotions”

Krista talks about the journey towards acceptance.

Antoinetta – Things that are hard about school

Antoinetta shares about the challenges she faced when returning to school after her father died

Jean – It’s all about love

Jean talks about losing her husband to a heart attack on valentines day

Antoinetta – Grieving in community with others

Antoinetta discusses how grief camp made her feel so much more happy and how she found support and that she did not feel so alone