Death of A Loved One

When Death Comes Suddenly

When someone dies suddenly we often struggle with grief that is raw, unpredictable and powerful.

Grief and Parenting in the Disability Community

In this blog post, Carrie writes about being the parent and primary caregiver to a child with disabilities and grieving the loss of a child dying from their disabilities.

Katie – My Story

Katie shares about her story and losing her Dad to cancer during COVID

Matt – Grief changes

Matt explains how he deals with his grief. Matt continues to grieve the death of his birth mother.

Jane – What processing grief during the pandemic may look like

Jane talks about how the pandemic has postponed a lot of “firsts” without her grandparents that have impacted her experience of moving through grief.

Jane – Grief and meditation

Jane shares how she practices daily meditation and how that helps her manage her thoughts and feelings.

Lisa – Music and her connection with her father

Lisa talks about the gratitude she has for reconnecting with her father before he died and how much music was a connection for them

Kara – “LIfe Partner”

Kara talks about her partner dying.

When Death Feels like a Thief

In the heart of my grief, at my frailest, all I could see was what was no more. I grieved all that was stolen from me by death; love, security and even my very self. Had I known the value of having every pocket of who I was, picked bare by grief, I would not have fought so hard to hold onto it all.

Karyn and Aidan – The what if game and guilt

Karyn and Aidan explain how they have dealt with guilt

Holly – Gifts in moments at the end of life

Lynda discusses how to deal with guilt.Holly talks about singing at the end of life

Lyss – My Story

Lyss talks about being 16 and her Mom dying from cancer. The second part of her story is about miscarriages