Death of a Sibling

Caitlin – “My Story”

Caitlin shares about the loss of her sister and how she copes with missing her. Caitlin continues to grieve the death of her sister in a car accident

Joyce – Your other children

Joyce discusses how her daughter dealt helped her as well as dealing with the loss of her brother.

Shawn – “Loss of a Sister”

Shawn talks about his guilt and the loss of his sister.

Kate – Triggers

Kate discusses how she deals with her emotions when something triggers her grief

Caitlin – “It’s hard work”

Caitlin talks about dealing with grief. Caitlin continues to grieve the death of her sister in a car accident

Kate – Time to process

Kate shares about time and processing her grief especially during COVID

Adrianna – Guilt and death by suicide

Adrianna gives insights she has found about guilt

Adrianna – My Story

Adrianna talks about the journey she has been on since her brother’s suicide

Adrianna – Finding out my brother had died by suicide

Adrianna relates how she heard about her brother’s suicide

Kate – Stigma

Kate discusses how difficult the stigma is to deal with

Andrew – “Loss of a twin”

Andrew talks about the loss of his twin brother, time in the womb and that there are people out there that can help. Andrew continues to grieve the death of his twin brother by mishap.

Doug M – “Helping Children Cope with Sibling Death”

Doug talks about shock and the importance of making sure children get help. Doug continues to grieve the death of his first wife.