Death of a Partner

Mary S – Coping with multiple loss

Mary explains the challenges of dealing with the death of her partner and then her parents

Karyn and Aidan – Going forward

Karyn and Aidan talk about Aidan’s wedding after John died and how they continue to cope

Kara “It Changes You”

Kara tells her story and explains how things have changed on her journey. Kara continues to grieve the death of her partner.

Karyn and Aidan – Challenges with COVID restrictions

Karyn and Aidan discuss the COVID restrictions on visitations and how they managed

Mary S – Grief is not the enemy

Mary talks about embracing grief is love

Kara – “Precious memories”

Kara talks about a special gift of memories. Kara continues to grieve the death of her partner.

Grief & Ice Cream

When my wife of 18 years died in 2016, I became a single father missing the love of my life, and also had to learn how to raise two girls (13-17 at the time) on my own. I remember a conversation I had with my mother-in-law and oldest daughter that began as reminiscing over a person who became a lost love to all of us. We all talked about different aspects of my wife but shortly, it transformed into a “who meant more to her” fest.

Shannon – Blessings and sadness

Shannon discusses how just showing up, being present is a powerful way of supporting to someone who has lost. Listen more – talk less.

Karyn and Aidan – Support from others

Karyn and Aidan discuss how family, friends, and people they didn’t know in the community supported them.Talking, meals, dog walking are among the things that made a huge difference.

Doug M – “Planning for Death”

Doug talks about how planning for a funeral and life after his wife’s death was helpful. Doug continues to grieve the death of his first wife.

Kara – “Getting over the dying part”

Kara describes the process of moving past the traumatic memory of her partner’s death to reflect on the beautiful moments of their thirty years together.

Shannon – Growing through Grief

Shannon discusses post traumatic growth and how it can be an expectation