Death of a Partner

Mary S – The value of writing

Mary talks about how much writing has helped inlcuding writing what her partner would have said

Kara – “Same Sex Couple”

Kara talks about never having discussed being a same sex couple with most of her family. Kara continues to grieve the death of her partner.

Andrea – Loneliness and support

Andrea talks about how tough it is to be alone and how her friends and family have come through for her

Holly – Befriending our mortality workshops

Holly explains how creating can be helpful with grief and how we don’t talk about death

Shannon – Losing is a life skill

Shannon shares about losing her husband to suicide, her parents and her father-in-law. She felt broken and to be able to take care of her kids and her self seemed overwhelming. It took someone telling her that you can heal from trauma to give her hope for healing.

Doug M – “Photographs”

Doug explains why photographs are so important in helping you deal with grief. Doug continues to grieve the death of his first wife.

Jean – Coping

Jean shares how coping can be complicated

John – Empower yourself

John shares his thoughts about how to support someone in grief and his processes

Kara – “You change”

Kara discusses evolving, growth and change. Kara continues to grieve the death of her partner.

Holly – The symbolic nature of death

Holly discusses doing art, the symbolic nature of urns and the denial of death

Karyn and Aidan – Hospital and the COVID restrictions

Karyn and Aidan talk about the challenges of the restrictions and the impact of COVID patients on John’s care

John – Lasagna

John talks about the “widower’s meal”… Lasagna, and learning how to cook for his daughters after his wife died