Death of a Partner

Doug M – “Planning for Death”

Doug talks about how planning for a funeral and life after his wife’s death was helpful. Doug continues to grieve the death of his first wife.

Saved by a Unicorn: How I Found the Positive in Grief, One Stitch at a Time

Looking back, I had no idea how to even continue to live. A simple attempt at something therapeutic sent the negative bereavement energy into a positive direction. It made me realize my strengths, at a time when I felt I had none at all. It provided a space where I am now better able to manage grief when it hits.

Karyn and Aidan – Going forward

Karyn and Aidan talk about Aidan’s wedding after John died and how they continue to cope

Kara – “LIfe Partner”

Kara talks about her partner dying.

Kara – “Getting rid of stuff”

Kara talks about stuff, guilt and memories. Kara continues to grieve the death of her partner.

Kara “It Changes You”

Kara tells her story and explains how things have changed on her journey. Kara continues to grieve the death of her partner.

Kara – “Moving On”

Kara talks about selling their house and the transition. Kara continues to grieve the death of her partner.

Jean – Traditions and grief

Jean discusses belief systems and traditions

Karyn and Aidan – Our story 2

Karyn and Aidan – Aidan tells the story leading up to John’s death during the pandemic

Shannon – Blessings and sadness

Shannon discusses how just showing up, being present is a powerful way of supporting to someone who has lost. Listen more – talk less.

Kara – Starting a grief journey again

Kara explains how Covid-19 has made her have to relearn tools to help in her grief. The pandemic changed the way Kara continued to grieve the loss of her partner.

Kara – “As time passes it gets easier”

Kara explains how her grief changes through time. Kara continues to grieve the death of her partner.