
Claudia – Being stuck and art therapy

Claudia discusses remunating how art therapist can help create different positive perspectives

Jenn – What does an art therapist do

Jenn explains how art therapist use the creative process to help people make positive changes to improve their overall health and to enhance their well being

Carrie – Photography and grieving

Carrie discusses how photography can be very freeing in that it allows for exploration and move us away from the need to explain and can be more about experience what our own process is all about.

Jacqueline – Crying

Jacqueline talks about how grief is love and how crying is natural

Nicole – Using Art and Creativity to Express Grief

Nicole discusses the work she does to allow access to creative outlets such as art hives and gardening.

Jenn – Art can be grounding and meditative

Jenn explains how the textures , qualities and colours of art can be grounding and meditative

Jenn – In grief an art therapist can be there to walk with you

Jenn discusses how an art therapists can support you in those moments of pain. They are there to honour your stories and experiences.

Chantal – What is art therapy?

Chantal explains how art therapy helps us express in ways that words can’t

Carrie – Grief and creativity

Carrie talks about creativity and expressing grief and loss… that in many ways can offer insight and comfort for those who are grieving

Jacqueline – My Story

Jacqueline talks about getting through the feelings after her mother’s death

Jacqueline – How to help a grieving friend

Jacqueline discusses the power of just being there with someone in grief

Jacqueline – Where to store art works

Jacqueline explains how art can be like journal entries that you would keep private