Posts by Craig
Lynda – “Old age home and guilt”
Lynda – “Old age home and guilt”
Lynda discusses how hard it is during the pandemic to have a loved on in an old age home
Lynda – ‘Pandemic and triggers”
Lynda – ‘Pandemic and triggers”
Lynda discusses how hard it is during the pandemic to avoid triggers
Lynda – “Resilience”
Lynda – “Resilience”
Lynda discusses what resilience is all about
Lynda – “Same storm different boat”
Lynda – “Same storm different boat”
Lynda discusses how grief is universal yet unique to everyone
Lynda – “The importance of getting professional help”
Lynda – “The importance of getting professional help”
Lynda discusses the many ways professionals can help.
Lynda – “Zoom and the importance of connecting”
Lynda – “Zoom and the importance of connecting”
Lynda discusses why it’s important to stay connected and how you can do it.
Sharron “Grieving During the Pandemic”
Sharron “Grieving During the Pandemic”
Sharron talks about how Covid-19 has really affected and disrupted the way people are grieving.
Anticipatory Grief During a Pandemic
Post by Maureen Pollard, MSW, RSW
It is 2020 and the world is gripped by a relentless pandemic. The news is filled with rising
numbers of confirmed cases, frightening death tolls and slowly increasing numbers of recovered
patients. People are facing orders to stay at home except for essential business to help slow the
spread of covid-19. Read More
When You Can’t Be There As a Loved One Dies
Post by Maureen Pollard, MSW, RSW
There are times when we have some warning that a loved one is dying. We can change our
agendas and make travel plans in order to be present at the death or in their last days. Other
times, it simply isn’t possible. If death comes swiftly and unexpectedly, we are left with a much
different set of regrets and feelings of distress than if we are able to show our love with our
Thinking About Death and Dying
Post by Maureen Pollard, MSW, RSW
Though everyone eventually dies, it can be difficult to think about death and dying and many of
us avoid it as we go about our every day lives. During the pandemic, as communities all over
the world cope with the spread of covid-19, death may be much more present in your thoughts.
As the death toll rises around the globe, it becomes more impossible to deny the inevitability of
death. This can raise anxiety and create a sense of hopelessness.
In this moment, perhaps we can set aside our fears and consider some important thoughts. Read More
Maureen – “Not being able to be with your loved one”
Maureen – “Not being able to be with your loved one”
Maureen discusses ideas of how you can honour a loved now until it is safe to come together.
Maureen – “Grief doesn’t stop, even when the outside world is in crisis”
Maureen – “Grief doesn’t stop, even when the outside world is in crisis”
Maureen gives suggestions about how you can help people in grief